outdoor games for kids

by Vlad & Olga | August 29, 2024
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Remember how good it felt to run outside until the streetlights came on? Magic seems to never fade from outdoor play in childhood. From a giggly game of tag to an adventurous afternoon on the local trails, there’s much to do and to know outside.

These are not just fun minutes; they’re vital minutes. Such moments develop healthy bodies, foster creativity, and teach kids to play nicely with others.

The importance of outdoor games for kids 😊

Think of it this way: when kids are outdoors playing, they do not simply exercise extra energy; they fast-track their way to becoming happier, healthier, and more well-rounded people. Children’s outdoor games provide just the skills required in life without any visible textbooks.

They learn to balance on the fly during a game of hopscotch, about teamwork during every soccer match, and solve puzzles more complex than anything they would encounter in a video game during an exhilarating treasure hunt.

They’re laughing and bonding with friends and family, building lifelong memories. Outdoor games are not simply keeping kids busy; they’re building lifelong skills at the core.

Best games for kids to play outside 🌳

The activities here are not just some time-killing devices; each opens a window of discovery and learning. From balanced skills to teamwork, the activities that ensue are an interesting blend of fun with education, whereby you can create childhood memories. For a comprehensive look at the many great games for any picnic space, including those in our picnic games selection, not forgetting—inclusive.

1. Tag 🏃‍♂️

Team up with three friends or more and determine who will be the ” it ” person. The ” it ” person will try to touch another player, and then the process has to continue, making it a fun game of chasing and getting tagged. Myth man would describe it as chasing and hunting games.

  • Equipment needed: None
  • Benefits:
    • Increases agility and cardiovascular flexibility.
    • Provides endless hours of free-from-setup fun.

2. Hopscotch 🔢👟

Draw your hopscotch grid on any flat, safe surface. Toss a small stone onto one of the numbered squares and then hop on one foot to get it, skipping over the square in which the stone landed. It is a classic game that all kids play alone or with friends.


  • Gear to have: Chalk and a small stone
  • Key benefits:
    • Helps to improve body balance and coordination.
    • Enhances physical fitness through active playing.

3. Water balloon toss 💦🎈

Get a partner, start close together, playing catch with a water balloon. Each catch made means a double in the distance. Play until the splash.

  • Equipment for play: Water balloons
  • Advantages:
    • Develops hand-eye coordination.
    • Provides cooling fun on warm days.

4. Bean bag ladder toss 🛍️🎯

Build a ladder and, on the rungs, attach point values. Let players’ turns consist of tossing bean bags to hook them on a high, more difficult-to-hit rung for the most number of points possible. This game is perfect for a backyard party and can easily adjust for various skill levels.

  • Essentials:  Bean bags and a ladder
  • Benefits:
    • Promotes and refines accuracy and fine motor skills.
    • Quick and easy setup for playing right away.

5. Nature scavenger hunt 🌿🔍🐞

Provide your junior explorers with a list of things they might find in nature—leaves, rocks, insects—to look for while in your yard or a nearby park. They will learn about nature as they search for particular leaves, rocks, or insects so that the simplest walk will become a real adventure.

6. Four square 🟥⬜🔄

The game is played in a large square court divided into four smaller squares, numbered one to four. Players bounce the ball amongst the squares to progress to the highest-numbered square. The players must catch the ball within their square and then bounce it out onto another without allowing the ball to take more than one bounce on their square. The object is to eliminate other players by causing the ball to land so that the player cannot catch and successfully return it.

  • Required gear: Chalk or tape to mark squares and a bouncy ball
  • Advantages:
    • Improves hand-eye coordination and reaction time.
    • Develops spatial awareness and fair play.

7. Frisbee golf 🥏

Frisbee Golf is a throwing game with a frisbee toward a series of targets, usually trees, poles, or specialized baskets, hitting each target in the fewest throws possible. Set up a course in a park or large backyard and use natural features for “holes.”

Frisbee golf

  • Items needed: Frisbees
  • Game rewards:
    • Develops throwing skills and precision.
    • Encourages physical fitness and strategic planning.

8. Kick the can 🥫🏃‍♂️

This is a variation of hide-and-seek and tag, combined with the addition of a can sitting out in the open. Someone is designated as “it,” who guards the can while everyone else hides. The idea of the game is to creep out and kick the can without the seeker tagging you and sending you to “jail.” People in jail are rescued when someone kicks the can, provided the seeker does not see that person.

  • Tools required: A durable can or similar object
  • Perks:
    • Teamwork helps to build strategic thinking.
    • Encourages vigorous physical activity and stealth.

9. Kite flying 🪁🌬️

It’s soothing yet exhilarating since players learn to control the kites against the whims of the wind. Find a clear open area barren of trees and power lines; let your kite soar, adjusting the string to keep it aloft as long as possible.

  • Necessities: Kite and a spacious open area
  • Play benefits:
    • Improves motor skills and understanding of aerodynamics.
    • Offers a peaceful yet challenging outdoor activity.

10. Hide and seek 👀

This is a classic game wherein “it” covers its eyes and counts up to a predetermined number as other players run off to hide. Then, “it” looks for all the hidden players. It keeps on going until all players are discovered.

  • Gear to have: None
  • Game benefits:
    • It develops children’s brains and problem-solving skills as they think of the best hiding places.
    • Enhances physical fitness through running and hiding.

11. Dodgeball 🏐🛡️

Dodgeball is a vigorous team game in which players throw softballs at opponents while trying not to get hit back. Set boundaries within a cleared area, compose two groups of players, and begin.

  • Essentials: Soft foam balls
  • Positive impacts:
    • Promotes teamwork and strategic thinking.
    • Improves reflexes and agility.

12. Jump rope 🕴️

Jumping rope can be practiced alone or as a group challenge. Players may jump alone, in pairs, or within long rope games with various tricks and routines.

Jump rope

  • Required items: Jump ropes
  • Key benefits:
    • Improves cardiovascular fitness and coordination.
    • Encourages rhythmic movement and endurance.

13. Simon says 🗣️👂

This is a classic game of follow-the-leader, in which one player gives commands starting with “Simon says” for the others to follow. Those players are out if a command is given without the prefix and followed.

  • Tools needed: None
  • Game advantages:
    • Boosts attentiveness and quick response skills.
    • Encourages active listening and participation.

14. Balloon pop relay 🎈

This relay race will have your students sitting on balloons that they will want to pop one by one. Set the start and finish lines and watch the craziness take place.

  • Equipment for play: Balloons, preferably biodegradable
  • Play rewards:
    • Encourages teamwork and planning.
    • Allows for a fun, energetic outlet.

15. Capture the flag 🚩🏃‍♂️🏴

This is an engag­ing team game, which in­cor­po­rates the com­po­nents of a strategy, stealth, and run­ning. Each team will hide their flag with­in their ter­ri­tory, then try to cap­ture their op­po­nent’s flag and re­turn it back to their base with­out be­ing tagged.

  • Gear to use: Flags or cloth strips
  • Game perks:
    • Develop team tactics and communication.
    • Increases one’s physical fitness through rigorous, playful competition.

16. Sack race 🏁

Perhaps one of the most light-hearted and competitive games is the sack race. In this game, contestants get into sacks that they hold up with their hands to hop towards the finishing point. It is an excellent game to host at a picnic or an outdoor party.

Sack race

17. Tug of war 💪🆚

Tug of War involves two teams pulling opposite ends of a rope from each other, trying to drag one another across a central line. This is a perfect tryout for strength and teamwork at a family or community event.

  • Necessary equipment: A long, sturdy rope
  • Advantages:
    • Builds physical strength and team cooperation.
    • Explains the essentials of strategy and resilience under pressure.

Tired of the same old drill? Why not couple some of that outdoor exercise with physical games with some strategic fun? Classic board games are great ways to spend a rainy day, testing the minds of young players. This approach means that such games offer children an opportunity not only to stay away from tiring physical exercises on rainy days but also to enhance their critical thinking and social skills.

18. Hula hoop contest 🌀

Participants sustain their hula hoops rotating around their waists for as long as possible. The last man standing—so to speak, hooping—wins! You can also try some cool tricks or just form a hula hoop chain, which is fun.

  • Essentials for play: Hula hoops
  • Positive outcomes:
    • Enhances core strength and stamina.
    • Encourages creativity and persistence.

19. Marbles 🌌

Players attempt to knock other players’ marbles out of the circle or win them by hit­ting them into the hole. The game requires skill and precision to be able to achieve.

  • Equipment for Play: Marbles and a small bag to store them
  • Benefits of Play:
    • Enhances fine motor skills and focus.
    • Teaches patience and strategy.

20. Blindfolded obstacle course 🚧

Using things found at home, create an obstacle course. Blindfolded teammates must complete it, relying solely on the other players’ voices. It’s a thrill and a trust-builder for the participants.

  • Required gear: Blindfolds, various safe obstacles
  • Play advantages:
    • Fosters teamwork and communication.
    • Enhances sensory awareness and trust in others.

21. Ring toss 🎯

One ability game is ring toss, in which rings have to be tossed from a distance onto pegs mounted on a board or the ground. The setup can be carried out in simple and more elaborate ways, making the game useful for people of all ages and skill levels.

  • Items required: Ring toss set
  • Game benefits:
    • Sharpens hand-eye coordination and fine motor movements.
    • Encourages good competition and accuracy.

22. Lawn bowling 🎳

Players roll as close as possible to the smaller target ball, known as the “jack. ” Lawn bowling is almost the same game as bocce, but it is played on grass using different equipment.

  • Necessary equipment: Lawn bowling set
  • Positive impacts:
    • Promotes accuracy and strategic thinking.
    • Suitable for all ages, providing gentle physical activity.

23. Mini golf 🏌️‍♂️⛳


Install a mini golf course with creative obstacles in the backyard. Then, players take turns hitting a golf ball around the course in as few strokes as possible.

  • Essentials for play: Mini golf set, including clubs and balls
  • Advantages:
    • Develops concentration and hand-eye coordination.
    • Makes for adjustable levels of challenge for endless fun.

24. Flashlight tag 🔦🏃‍♀️

One player is given a flashlight, which the player then uses to catch others hiding in the dark, after dusk, or in the dark. Whenever the light beam catches someone, that person becomes the new “it.”

  • Required gear: Flashlights
  • Play rewards:
    • Enhances agility and stealth abilities.
    • Provides exciting play in a unique setting.

25. Bocce ball 🟢🎯

Bocce is an extremely ancient game in which the balls are thrown as close as possible to a smaller target ball, pallino. It may be played on grass, sand, or dirt and is excellent for family get-togethers.

  • Equipment for play: Bocce ball set
  • Game perks:
    • Encourages strategic planning and precision.
    • Great for social interaction and outdoor gatherings.

26. Soccer penalty shootout ⚽🥅🎯

Create a goal or delineate an area of destination with cones. Players shoot the ball from a predetermined distance, trying to score around the goalkeeper.

Soccer penalty shootout

  • Items required: Soccer ball, goal, or cones
  • Game benefits:
    • Enhances one’s accuracy level in kicking.
    • Improves the goalkeeper’s skills and competitive spirit.

27. Croquet 🏑🟠

This is a traditional game in which, using a mallet, one hits wooden or plastic balls through hoops embedded in a grass playing court. It’s perfect for strategizing and is a relaxed game.

  • Necessary equipment: Croquet set
  • Positive impacts:
    • Develops hand-eye coordination and strategic thinking.
    • Encourages family interaction in fun and competitive atmospheres.

28. Stomp rocket 🚀👟

Players bounce on a launcher and propel a soft foam rocket hundreds of feet into the air. It’s simple, exciting, and ideal for younger kids to have fun with physics in action.

  • Essentials for play: Stomp rocket set
  • Advantages:
    • Teaches basic principles of physics, such as force and trajectory.
    • Encourages active play and excitement among young participants.

29. Ultimate frisbee 🥏

Ultimate frisbee is a team sport played like football but with a frisbee. Players pass the frisbee to their teammates, trying to catch it in the opposing team’s end zone to score points.

  • Required gear: Frisbees
  • Play rewards:
    • Gains better cardiovascular fitness and agility.
    • Encourages teamwork and strategic gameplay.

30. Tree climbing competition 🌳🧗‍♂️🏅

Challenge the children to climb trees, retrieve materials kept at higher levels, and safely descend. This activity integrates the natural environment into play.

Tree climbing competition

  • Tools needed: Safety helmets, supervision
  • Play perks:
    • Enhances physical strength and problem-solving skills.
    • Provides a fun and adventurous way to engage with nature.

Therefore, this fun activity is enjoyable and, at the same time, indispensable to be carried out with a safe mindset. Whenever these outdoor games are played, the games should be equipped with the relevant first aid kit, in case of any unwantedly minor injury, to cater to it on a timely basis. It’s a necessity in cases of a lot of body movement or activities that might lead to scrapes and bruises.


As we noted earlier, outdoor play is not only healthy but an absolutely essential part of children’s development. It provides that mixture of entertainment, learning, and physical activities that are hard to find inside the walls of buildings. The right atmosphere will help enhance these experiences, making every moment outdoors all the more memorable.

That is where Picnic Makers steps in. At Picnic Makers, we specialize in luxury boho picnics in LA 🌟 and turn outdoor gatherings into sublime experiences that immaculately combine elegance and the natural environment. From Los Angeles and Orange County to Malibu, our services raise any event to a higher level. Book your event using our always-available booking tool, and let us make your next outdoor gathering one to remember.


How can parents encourage children to play outside more often?

Parents can encourage them by playing along, designating specific times during the day to be outdoors, and making a “game of the week” that the family can look forward to. Another way is to organize a playdate with other families to incentivize the children to play outside.

What’s the simplest game to set up outdoors?

Tag can be played without equipment; the game can start at any available space with two or more players.

What are some safety tips for kids playing outdoor games?

Safety tips in this connection include supervising your junior children, ensuring that dangerous objects and hazards are kept from where they will play, teaching them not to move away from the playground, and using protective gear like helmets when biking or climbing. Other tips include applying sunscreen, ensuring the children have enough water to drink, and dressing appropriately for the weather.

Can children play outdoors in light rain?

Now, outdoor play can be held even when it is lightly raining, with proper clothing such as rain jackets and waterproof boots.

How can technology be incorporated into outdoor play?

Technology can become a part of when fitness trackers are used to set and meet physical activity goals or guides of the nature app to explore wildlife and plant life on hikes.

What are some seasonal outdoor games that can be played year-round?

Seasonal variations of other games, such as tag, hide-and-seek, jump rope, etc., can be quickly improved with several simple and wearable changes. For instance, when winter comes, substitute a snowball fight or build a snow fort for the games listed here.

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Olga and Vlad Picnic Makers

Founders: Vlad and Olga

Hello, beautiful souls! 🌸 We’re Vlad and Olga, the hearts behind Picnic Makers. With years of creating bespoke picnic adventures and luxury events, we’ve mastered the art of bringing joy, celebration, and connection to every moment. Join us as we share a life well-lived. Thanks for being part of our magical story 🌟

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